Note: nearly all publications are available as open access. Wherever we can afford it, we have purchased open access through the publisher (so-called gold open access. If an article is not available on the publisher’s website, then please look in our university repository (green open access) or follow the pdf link next to the reference.
- Mackay, J. D., Barrand, N. E., Hannah, D. M., Potter, E., Montoya, N., & Buytaert, W. (2025). Physically based modelling of glacier evolution under climate change in the tropical Andes The Cryosphere, 19(2), 685–712.
- Veness, W. A., & Buytaert, W. (2025). Towards an evidence base for groundwater data investments Environmental Science & Policy, 164, 104014.
- Lalonde, M., Drenkhan, F., Rau, P., Baiker, J. R., & Buytaert, W. (2024). Scientific evidence of the hydrological impacts of nature-based solutions at the catchment scale WIREs Water, 11(5), e1744.
- Alemie, T. C., Buytaert, W., Tilahun, S. A., & Steenhuis, T. S. (2024). A Distributed Catchment—Scale Evaluation of the Potential of Soil and Water Conservation Interventions to Reduce Storm Flow and Soil Loss Water, 16(9), 1225.
- Rahmat, F., Zulkafli, Z., Ishak, A. J., Abdul Rahman, R. Z., Stercke, S. D., Buytaert, W., Tahir, W., Ab Rahman, J., Ibrahim, S., & Ismail, M. (2024). Supervised feature selection using principal component analysis Knowledge and Information Systems, 66(3), 1955–1995.
- Agyei-Mensah, S., Owusu, G., Awuni, C., Howard, B., Fuseini, I., Buytaert, W., & Berkhout, F. (2024). Chiefs and floods: hybrid governance and co-production of flood risk adaptation in Tamale, Ghana Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 26(6), 656–672.
- Arheimer, B., Cudennec, C., Castellarin, A., Grimaldi, S., Heal, K. V., Lupton, C., Sarkar, A., Tian, F., Kileshye Onema, J.-M., Archfield, S., Blöschl, G., Chaffe, P. L. B., Croke, B. F. W., Dembélé, M., Leong, C., Mijic, A., Mosquera, G. M., Nlend, B., Olusola, A. O., … Xia, J. (2024). The IAHS Science for Solutions decade, with Hydrology Engaging Local People IN one Global world (HELPING) Hydrological Sciences Journal, 69(11), 1417–1435.
- Gribbin, T., Mackay, J. D., MacDonald, A., Hannah, D. M., Buytaert, W., Baiker, J. R., Montoya, N., Perry, L. B., Seimon, A., Rado, M., Arias, S., & Vargas, M. (2024). Bofedal wetland and glacial melt contributions to dry season streamflow in a high-Andean headwater watershed Hydrological Processes, 38(8), e15237.
- Krause, S., Lynch, I., Agarwal, A., Akinsemolu, A., Arheimer, B., Buytaert, W., Floyd, R., Houdret, A., Saccoccia, E., Schneidewind, U., Tockner, K., Yasmin, T., & Hannah, D. M. (2024). Seven strategies to leverage water for peace and foster sustainable and just water management for all Nature Water, 2(12), 1134–1138.
- Howard, B. C., Buytaert, W., Krause, S., & Hannah, D. M. (2024). Connecting Global Water Agendas: From Wicked Problematization to Opportunities for Action Perspectives of Earth and Space Scientists, 5(1), e2024CN000248.
- Howard, B. C., Awuni, C. A., Agyei-Mensah, S., Bryant, L. D., Collins, A. M., Yidana, S. M., Yiran, G. A. B., & Buytaert, W. (2024). Household-specific barriers to citizen-led flood risk adaptation Npj Climate Action, 3(1), 1–12.
- Ross, A.C., Mendoza, M.M., Drenkhan, F., Montoya, N., Baiker, J.R., Mackay, J.D., Hannah, D.M., Buytaert, W., 2023. Seasonal water storage and release dynamics of bofedal wetlands in the Central Andes. Hydrological Processes 37, e14940
- Kreibich, H., Schröter, K., Di Baldassarre, G., Van Loon, A., Mazzoleni, M., Abeshu, G.W., Agafonova, S., AghaKouchak, A., Aksoy, H., Alvarez-Garreton, C., Aznar, B., Balkhi, L., Barendrecht, M.H., Biancamaria, S., Bos-Burgering, L., Bradley, C., Budiyono, Y., Buytaert, W., Capewell, L., Carlson, H., Cavus, Y., Couasnon, A., Coxon, G., Daliakopoulos, I., De Ruiter, M.C., Delus, C., Erfurt, M., Esposito, G., François, D., Frappart, F., Freer, J., Frolova, N., Gain, A.K., Grillakis, M., Grima, J.O., Guzmán, D.A., Huning, L.S., Ionita, M., Kharlamov, M., Nguyen Khoi, D., Kieboom, N., Kireeva, M., Koutroulis, A., Lavado-Casimiro, W., Li, H.-Y., LLasat, M.C., Macdonald, D., Mård, J., Mathew-Richards, H., McKenzie, A., Mejia, A., Mendiondo, E.M., Mens, M., Mobini, S., Samprogna Mohor, G., Nagavciuc, V., Ngo-Duc, T., Nguyen, H.T.T., Nhi, P.T.T., Petrucci, O., Hong Quan, N., Quintana-Seguí, P., Razavi, S., Ridolfi, E., Riegel, J., Shibly Sadik, M., Sairam, N., Savelli, E., Sazonov, A., Sharma, S., Sörensen, J., Arguello Souza, F.A., Stahl, K., Steinhausen, M., Stoelzle, M., Szalińska, W., Tang, Q., Tian, F., Tokarczyk, T., Tovar, C., Thu Tran, T.V., Van Huijgevoort, M.H.J., Van Vliet, M.T.H., Vorogushyn, S., Wagener, T., Wang, Y., Wendt, D.E., Wickham, W., Yang, L., Zambrano-Bigiarini, M., Ward, P.J., 2023. Panta Rhei benchmark dataset: socio-hydrological data of paired events of floods and droughts. Earth System Science Data 15, 2009–2023.
- Keir, D., Lieberman, B.S., Acocella, V., Buytaert, W., Forman, S.L., Grégoire, M., Kodama, K.P., Lentz, D.R., Sanchez-Valle, C. (2023). Editorial: Horizons in Earth science 2022. Frontiers in Earth Science, 11, 1321937.
- Goyburo, A., Rau, P., Lavado-Casimiro, W., …Cuadros-Adriazola, J., Horna, D., 2023. Assessment of Present and Future Water Security under Anthropogenic and Climate Changes Using WEAP Model in the Vilcanota-Urubamba Catchment, Cusco, Peru. Water 15, 1439.
- Yasmin, T., Khamis, K., Ross, A., Sen, S., Sharma, A., Sen, D., Sen, S., Buytaert, W., Hannah, D. M. (2023). Brief communication: Inclusiveness in designing an early warning system for flood resilience, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 667–674, DOI: 10.5194/nhess-23-667-2023
- Drenkhan, F., Buytaert, W., Mackay, J.D., Barrand, N.E., Hannah, D.M., Huggel, C. (2023). Looking beyond glaciers to understand mountain water security, Nature Sustainability 6, 130–138. DOI: 10.1038/s41893-022-00996-4
- Jayaramu, V., Zulkafli, Z., De Stercke, S. Buytaert, W., Rahmat, F., Abdul Rahman, R. Z., Ishak, A. J., Tahir, W., Ab Rahman, J., Mohd Fuzi, N. M. H., 2023. Leptospirosis modelling using hydrometeorological indices and random forest machine learning, Int J Biometeorol 67, 423–437.
- Veness, W. A., Butler, A. P., Ochoa-Tocachi, B. F., Moulds, S., Buytaert, W. (2022). Localizing Hydrological Drought Early Warning Using In Situ Groundwater Sensors, Water Resources Research 58, 8. DOI:10.1029/2022WR032165
- Kreibich, H., Van Loon, A.F., Schröter, K., Ward, P.J., Mazzoleni, M., Sairam, N., Abeshu, G.W., Agafonova, S., AghaKouchak, A., Aksoy, H., Alvarez-Garreton, C., Aznar, B., Balkhi, L., Barendrecht, M.H., Biancamaria, S., Bos-Burgering, L., Bradley, C., Budiyono, Y., Buytaert, W., Capewell, L., Carlson, H., Cavus Y., Couasnon, A., Coxon, G., Daliakopoulos, I., De Ruiter, M.C., Delus, C., Erfurt, M., Esposito, G., François, D., Frappart, F., Freer, J., Frolova, N., Gain, A.K., Grillakis, M., Grima, J.O., Guzmán, D.A., Huning, L.S., Ionita, M., Kharlamov, M., Khoi, D.N., Kieboom, N., Kireeva, M., Koutroulis, A., Lavado-Casimiro, W., Li, H.-Y., LLasat, M.C., Macdonald, D., Mård, J., Mathew-Richards, H., McKenzie, A., Mejia, A., Mendiondo, E.M., Mens, M., Mobini, S., Mohor, G.S., Nagavciuc, V., Ngo-Duc, T., Nguyen Huynh, T.T., Nhi, P.T.T., Petrucci, O., Quan Nguyen, H., Quintana-Seguí, P., Razavi, S., Ridolfi, E., Riegel, J., Sadik, M.D., Savelli, E., Sazonov, A., Sharma, S., Sörensen, J., Arguello Souza, F.A., Stahl, K., Steinhausen, M., Stoelzle, M., Szalińska, W., Tang Q., Tian, F., Tokarczyk, T., Tovar, C., Thu Tran, T.V., Van Huijgevoort, M.H.J., Van Vliet, M.T.H., Vorogushyn, S., Wagener, T., Wang, Y., Wendt, D.E., Wickham, E., Yang, L., Zambrano-Bigiarini, M., Blöschl, G., Di Baldassarre, G., 2023. The challenge of unprecedented floods and droughts in risk management, Nature 608, 80–86.
- Chou, H.-K., Ochoa-Tocachi, B. F., Moulds, S., Buytaert, W. (2022). Parameterizing the JULES land surface model for different land covers in the tropical Andes, Hydrological Sciences Journal, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2022.2094709
- Alemie, T. C., Buytaert, W., Clark, J., Tilahun, S. A., Steenhuis, T. S. (2022). Barriers to implementing poverty alleviation through livelihood strategies: A participatory analysis of farming communities in Ethiopia’s upper Blue Nile basin. Environmental Science & Policy, 136, 453–466.
- Monge-Salazar, M. J., Tovar, C., Cuadros-Adriazola, J., Baiker, J. R., Montesinos-Tubée, D. B., Bonnesoeur, V., Antiporta, J., Román-Dañobeytia, F., Fuentealba, B., Ochoa-Tocachi, B. F., Buytaert, W. (2022). Ecohydrology and ecosystem services of a natural and an artificial bofedal wetland in the central Andes. Science of The Total Environment, 838, 155968.
- Twomlow, A., Grainger, S., Cieslik, K., Paul, J. D., Buytaert, W. (2022). A user-centred design framework for disaster risk visualisation. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 77, 103067.
- Moulds S, Chan ACH, Tetteh JD, Bixby H, Owusu G, et al. (2022) Sachet water in Ghana: A spatiotemporal analysis of the recent upward trend in consumption and its relationship with changing household characteristics, 2010–2017. PLOS ONE 17(5): e0265167.
- Heal, K.V., Bartosova, A., Hipsey, M.R, Chen, X., Buytaert W., Li, H.-Y., McGrane, S. J., Gupta, A. B., Cudennec, C. (2022) Ensuring consideration of water quality in nexus approaches in the science–practice continuum: reply to discussion of “Water quality: the missing dimension of water in the water–energy–food nexus?”, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 67, 1291-1293.
- Vanacker, V., Molina, A., Rosas-Barturen, M., Bonnesoeur, V., Román-Dañobeytia, F., Ochoa-Tocachi, B. F., Buytaert, W., (2022). The effect of natural infrastructure on water erosion mitigation in the Andes. SOIL 8, 133–147, 2022.
- Astagneau, P.C., Thirel, G., Delaigue, O., Guillaume, J.H.A, Parajka, J., Brauer, C.C., Viglione, A., Buytaert, W., Beven, K.J., 2021. Technical note: Hydrology modelling R packages - A unified analysis of models and practicalities from a user perspective. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 25, 3937–3973.
- Pudifoot, B., Cárdenas, M.L., Buytaert, W., Paul, J.D., Narraway, C.L., Loiselle, S., 2021. When It Rains, It Pours: Integrating Citizen Science Methods to Understand Resilience of Urban Green Spaces. Frontiers in Water, 3, 654493
- Pandeya, B., Buytaert, W., Potter, C., 2021. Designing citizen science for water and ecosystem services management in data-poor regions: Challenges and opportunities. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability 3, 100059.
- Wagener, T., Dadson, S.J., Hannah, D.M., Coxon, G., Beven, K., Bloomfield, J.P., Buytaert, W., Cloke, H., Bates., P., Holden, J., Parry, L., Lamb, R., Chappell, N.A., Fry, M., Old, G. Knowledge gaps in our perceptual model of Great Britain’s hydrology. Hydrological Processes 35, 7, e14288.
- Moulds, S., Buytaert, W., Templeton, M. R., & Kanu, I., 2021. Modelling the impacts of urban flood risk management on social inequality. Water Resources Research 57, e2020WR029024. Paper highlighted in Nature Climate Change.
- Nardi, F., Cudennec, C., Abrate, T., Allouch, C., Annis, A., Assumpção, T., Aubert, A. H., Bérod, D., Braccini, A. M., Buytaert, W., Dasgupta, A., Hannah, D. M., Mazzoleni, M., Polo, M. J., Sæbø, Ø., Seibert, J., Tauro, F., Teichert, F., Teutonico, R., Uhlenbrook, S., Wahrmann Vargas, C., Grimaldi, S., 2021. Citizens AND HYdrology (CANDHY): conceptualizing a transdisciplinary framework for citizen science addressing hydrological challenges. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 00(00), 1–18.
- Zogheib, C., Ochoa-Tocachi, B. F., Moulds, S., Ossa-Moreno, J., Villacis, M., Verano, C., Buytaert, W. (2021). A methodology to downscale water demand data with application to the Andean region (Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile). Hydrological Sciences Journal. 02626667.2021.1890749.
- Patiño, S., Hernández, Y., Plata, C., Domínguez, I., Daza, M., Oviedo-Ocaña, R., Buytaert, W., Ochoa-Tocachi, B. F. (2021). Influence of land use on hydro-physical soil properties of Andean páramos and its effect on streamflow buffering. CATENA, 202, 105227.
- Heal, K. V., Bartosova, A., Hipsey, M. R., Chen, X., Buytaert, W., Li, H.-Y., McGrane, S. J., Gupta, A. B., Cudennec, C. (2021). Water quality: the missing dimension of water in the water–energy–food nexus. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 02626667.2020.1859114.
- Pandeya, B., Uprety, M., Paul, J.D., Sharma, R. R., Dugar, S., Buytaert, W. (2021). Mitigating flood risk using low-cost sensors and citizen science: A proof-of-concept study from western Nepal. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 14, e12675.
- Vigerstol, K., Abell, R., Brauman, K., Buytaert, W., Vogl, A. (2021). Addressing water security through nature-based solutions. In: J. Cassin, J. H. Matthews, E. L. Gunn (Eds.), Nature-based Solutions and Water Security (pp. 37–62). Elsevier.
- Parajuli, B.P., Khadka, P., Baskota, P., …Buytaert, W., Vij, S. (2020). An open data and citizen science approach to building resilience to natural hazards in a data-scarce remote mountainous part of Nepal. Sustainability, 12, 1–13, 9448.
- Paul, J. D., Cieslik, K., Sah, N., Shakya, P., Parajuli, B. P., Paudel, S., Dewulf, A., & Buytaert, W. (2020). Applying Citizen Science for Sustainable Development: Rainfall Monitoring in Western Nepal. Frontiers in Water, 2, 581375.
- De Stercke, S., Chaturvedi, V., Buytaert, W., & Mijic, A. (2020). Water-energy nexus-based scenario analysis for sustainable development of Mumbai. Environmental Modelling and Software, 134, 104854.
- Correa, A., Ochoa‐Tocachi, B. F., Birkel, C., Ochoa‐Sánchez, A., Zogheib, C., Tovar, C., & Buytaert, W. (2020). A concerted research effort to advance the hydrological understanding of tropical páramos. Hydrological Processes, 34(24), 4609–4627.
- Karpouzoglou, T., Dewulf, A., Perez, K., Gurung, P., Regmi, S., Isaeva, A., Foggin, M., Bastiaensen, J., Van Hecken, G., Zulkafli, Z., Mao, F., Clark, J., Hannah, D. M., Chapagain, P. S., Buytaert, W., & Cieslik, K. (2020). From present to future development pathways in fragile mountain landscapes. Environmental Science and Policy, 114, 606–613.
- Mao, F., Khamis, K., Clark, J., Krause, S., Buytaert, W., Ochoa-Tocachi B.F., Hannah, D. M., 2020. Moving beyond the Technology: A Socio-technical Roadmap for Low-Cost Water Sensor Network Applications. Environ. Sci. Technol. 54, 9145–9158
- Paul, J.D., Buytaert, W., Sah, N., 2020. A Technical Evaluation of Lidar‐Based Measurement of River Water Levels. Water Resources Research 56, e2019WR026810.
- Docherty, J.M., Mao, F., Buytaert, W., Clark, J.R.A., Hannah, D.M., 2020. A framework for understanding water-related multi-hazards in a sustainable development context. Progress in Physical Geography, 44, 267-284.
- Cuesta, F., Tovar, C., Llambí, L.D., Gosling, W. D., Halloy, S., Carilla, J., Muriel, P., Meneses, R.I., Beck, S., Ulloa Ulloa, C., Yager, K., Aguirre, N., Viñas, P., Jácome J., Suárez‐Duque, D., Buytaert, W., Pauli, H., 2020. Thermal niche traits of high alpine plant species and communities across the tropical Andes and their vulnerability to global warming. Journal of Biogeography 47, 408-420.
- Grainger, S., Ochoa-Tocachi, B.F., Antiporta, J., Dewulf, A., Buytaert, W., 2020. Tailoring Infographics on Water Resources Through Iterative, User-Centered Design: A Case Study in the Peruvian Andes. Water Resources Research 56, e2019WR026694.
- Straatsma, M. W., Droogers, P., Hunink, J., Berendrecht, W., Buitink, J., Buytaert, W., Karssenberg, D., Schmitz, O., Sutanudjaja, E., van Beek, L.P.H., Vitolo, C., Bierkens, M., 2020. Global to regional scale evaluation of adaptation measures to reduce the future water gap. Environmental Modelling & Software 124,104578.
- 93. Cieslik, K., Dewulf, A., Buytaert, W. (2019). Project Narratives: Investigating Participatory Conservation in the Peruvian Andes. Development and Change, 51, 1067-1097
- 92. Alemie, T., Tilahun, S., Ochoa-Tocachi, B., Schmitter, P., Buytaert, W., Parlange, J.-Y., Steenhuis, T., 2019. Predicting shallow groundwater tables for sloping highland aquifers. Water Resources Research, 55
- 91. Dewulf, A., Karpouzoglou, T., Warner, J., Wesselink, A., Mao, F., Vos, J., Tamas, P., Groot, A. E., Heijmans, A., Ahmed, F., Hoang, L., Vij, S., Buytaert., 2019. The power to define resilience in social–hydrological systems : Toward a power-sensitive resilience framework. WIREs Water, 6, e1377.
- 90. Charani E, Cunnington AJ, Yousif AHA, Ahmed MS, Ahmed AEM, Babiker S, Bedri S, Buytaert W, Crawford MA, Elbashir MI, Elhag K, Elsiddig KE, Hakim N, Johnson MR, Miras AD, Swar MO, Templeton MR, Taylor-Robinson SD, 2019. In transition: current health challenges and priorities in Sudan. BMJ Global Health, 4:e001723.
- 89. Blöschl, et al., 2019. Twenty-three Unsolved Problems in Hydrology ( UPH ) – a community perspective. Hydrological Sciences Journal 64, 1141–1158
- 88. Ochoa-Tocachi, B. F., Bardales, J. D., Antiporta, J., Pérez, K., Acosta, L., Mao, F., Zulkafli, Z., Gil-Ríos, J., Angulo, O., Grainger, S., Gammie, G., De Bièvre, B., Buytaert, W. (2019). Potential contributions of pre-Inca infiltration infrastructure to Andean water security. Nature Sustainability 2, 584–593.
- 87. Uprety, M., Ochoa-Tocachi, B.F., Paul, J.D., Regmi, S. Buytaert, W., 2019. Improving water resources management using participatory monitoring in a remote mountainous region of Nepal. Journal of Hydrology Regional Studies, 23, 100604.
- 86. Agrawal, S., Chakraborty, A., Karmakar, N., Moulds, S., Mijic, A., Buytaert, W., 2019. Effects of winter and summer-time irrigation over Gangetic Plain on the mean and intra-seasonal variability of Indian summer monsoon. Climate Dynamics. 53, 3147–3166.
- 85. Grainger, S., Hommes, L., Karpouzoglou, T., Perez, K., Buytaert, W., & Dewulf, A. (2019). The development and intersection of highland-coastal scale frames: a case study of water governance in central Peru. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 21, 373-390.
- 84. Ochoa‐Tocachi, B. F., Alemie, T., Guzman, C. T., Tilahun, S.A., Zimale, F. A., Buytaert, W., Steenhuis, T. S., In Press. Sensitivity Analysis of the Parameter-Efficient Distributed (PED) Model for Discharge and Sediment Concentration Estimation in Degraded Humid Landscapes. Land Degradation & Development 30, 151-165.
- 83. Zogheib, C., Ochoa-Tocachi, B. F., Paul, J. D., Hannah, D. M., Clark, J., Buytaert, W. (2018). Exploring a water data, evidence, and governance theory. Water Security, 4-5, 19–25.
- 82. De Stercke, S., Mijic, A., Buytaert, W., Chaturvedi, V., 2018. Modelling the dynamic interactions between London's water and energy systems from an end-use perspective. Applied Energy 230, 615-626.
- 81. Shukla, A. K., Ojha, C. S. P., Mijic, A., Buytaert, W., Pathak, S., Garg, R. D., and Shukla, S., 2018. Population growth, land use and land cover transformations, and water quality nexus in the Upper Ganga River basin. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 4745-4770.
- 80. Moulds, S., Buytaert, W., Mijic, A. (2018). A spatio-temporal land use and land cover reconstruction for India from 1960–2010. Scientific Data 5, 180159.
- 79. Ochoa-Tocachi, B. F., Buytaert, W., Antiporta, J., Acosta, L., Bardales, J. D., Célleri, R., Crespo, P., Fuentes, P., Gil-Ríos, J., Guallpa, M., Llerena, C., Olaya D., Pardo, P., Rojas, G., Villacís, M., Villazón, M., Viñas, P., De Bièvre, B., 2018. High-resolution hydrometeorological data from a network of headwater catchments in the tropical Andes. Scientific Data 5, 180080.
- 78. Mao, F., Clark, J., Buytaert, W., Krause, S., Hannah, D.M., 2018. Water sensor network applications: time to move beyond the technical? Hydrological Processes, 32, 2612-2615.
- 77. O'Keeffe, J., Moulds, S., Bergin, E., Brozovic, N., Mijic, A., Buytaert, W., 2018. Including farmer irrigation behavior in a socio‐hydrological modelling framework with application in north India. Water Resources Research, 54, 4849-4866.
- 76. Appel, M., Lahn, F., Buytaert, W., Pebesma, E. 2018, Open and scalable analytics of large Earth observation datasets: From scenes to multidimensional arrays using SciDB and GDAL. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 138, 47 - 56.
- 75. Tsarouchi, G. and Buytaert, W., 2018. Land-use change may exacerbate climate change impacts on water resources in the Ganges basin, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 1411-1435, .
- 74. Vuille, M., Carey, M., Huggel, C., Buytaert, W., Rabatel, A., Jacobsen, D., Soruco, A., Villacis, M., Yarleque, C., Timm, O. E., Condom, T., Salzmann, N., Sicart, J.-E., 2018. Rapid decline of snow and ice in the tropical Andes – Impacts, uncertainties and challenges ahead. Earth-Science Reviews, 176, 195–213.
- 73. Paul, J. D., Buytaert, W., Allen, S., Ballesteros-Cánovas, J. A., Bhusal, J., Cieslik, K., Clark, J., Dugar, S., Hannah, D. M., Stoffel, M., Dewulf, A., Dhital, M. R., Liu, W., Nayaval, J. L., Neupane, B., Schiller, A., Smith, P. J. and Supper, R., 2017. Citizen science for hydrological risk reduction and resilience building. WIREs Water 5 (1), January/February 2018, e1262. doi:10.1002/wat2.1262
- 72. Cárdenas, M. F., Tobón, C., Buytaert, W., 2017. Contribution of occult precipitation to the water balance of páramo ecosystems in the Colombian Andes. Hydrological Processes 31, 4440–4449
- 71. Arnillas, C. A., Tovar, C., Buytaert, W., Cadotte, M., 2017. From patches to richness: assessing the potential impact of landscape transformation on biodiversity. Ecosphere, 8, e02004
- 70. Buytaert, W., Moulds, S., Acosta, L., De Bièvre, B., Olmos, C., Villacis, M., Tovar, C., Verbist, K., 2017. Glacial melt content of water use in the tropical Andes. Environmental Research Letters, 12, 11.
- 69. Mathez-Stiefel, S.-L., Peralvo, M., Báez, S., Rist, S., Buytaert, W., Cuesta, F., Fadrique, N., Feeley, K.J., Groth, A.A.P., Homeier, J., Llambí, L.D., Locatelli, B., López Sandoval, M.F., Malizia, A., Young, K.R., 2017. Research Priorities for the Conservation and Sustainable Governance of Andean Forest Landscapes. Mountain Research and Development 37, 323-339.
- 68. Manz, B., Páez-Bimos, S., Horna, N., Buytaert, W., Ochoa-Tocachi, B., Lavado-Casimiro, W., Willems, B., 2017. Comparative Ground Validation of IMERG and TMPA at Variable Spatiotemporal Scales in the Tropical Andes. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 18, 2469–2489.
- 67. Mao, F., Clark, J., Karpouzoglou, T., Dewulf, A., Buytaert, W., Hannah, D., 2017. A conceptual framework for assessing socio-hydrological resilience under change. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21, 3655-3670.
- 66. Ocio, D., Le Vine, N., Westerberg, I., Pappenberger, F., Buytaert, W., 2017. The Role of Rating Curve Uncertainty in Real-Time Flood Forecasting. Water Resources Research 53, 4197–4213. doi:10.1002/2016WR020225
- 65. Huss, M., Bookhagen, B., Huggel, C., Jacobsen, D., Bradley, R.S., Clague, J. J., Vuille, M., Buytaert, W., Cayan, D. R., Greenwood, G., Mark, B., Milner, A., Weingartner, R., Winder, M., 2017. Towards mountains without permanent snow and ice. Earth's Future 5, 418-435
- 64. Zulkafli, Z., Perez, K., Vitolo, C., Buytaert, W., Karpouzoglou, T., Dewulf, A., De Bièvre, B., Clark, J., Hannah, D. M., Shaheed, S., 2017. User-driven design of decision support systems for polycentric environmental resources management. Environmental Modelling & Software 88, 58–73.
- 63. Vitolo, C., Fry, M., Buytaert, W., 2016. Rnrfa: An r package to retrieve, filter and visualize data from the UK national river flow archive. R Journal, 8, 102 - 116.
- 62. Pandeya, B., Buytaert, W., Zulkafli, Z., Karpouzoglou, T., Mao, F., Hannah, D. M., 2016. A comparative analysis of ecosystem services valuation approaches for application at the local scale and in data scarce regions. Ecosystem Services 22, Part B, 250–259.
- 61. Grainger, S., Mao, F., Buytaert, W., 2016. Environmental data visualisation for non-scientific contexts: Literature review and design framework. Environmental Modelling & Software, 85, 299–318.
- 60. Ochoa-Tocachi, B.,Buytaert, W., De Bièvre, B., 2016. Regionalisation of land-use impacts on the hydrological response using data from a monitoring network of paired catchments. Water Resources Research 52, 6710-6729.
- 59. Ochoa-Tocachi, B., Buytaert, W., De Bièvre, B., Célleri, R, Crespo, P., Villacís, M., Llerena, C., Acosta, L., Villazón, M., Guallpa, M., Gil-Ríos, J., Fuentes, P., Olaya, R., Viñas, P., Rojas, G., Arias, S., 2016. Impacts of land use on the hydrological response of tropical Andean catchments. Hydrological Processes 30, 4074-4089.
- 58. O'Keeffe, J., Buytaert, W., Mijic, A., Brozovic, N., Sinha, R., 2016. The use of Semi-Structured Interviews for the Characterisation of Farmer Irrigation Practices. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20, 1911-1924, 2016
- 57. Rodriguez-Lloveras, X., Buytaert, W., Benito, G., 2016. Land use can offset climate change induced increases in erosion in Mediterranean watersheds. Catena 143, 244-255.
- 56. Derin, Y., Anagnostou, E., Berne, A., Borga, M., Boudevillain, B., Buytaert, W., Chang C.-H., Delrieu, D., Hong, Y., Hsu, Y. C., Lavado-Casimiro, W., Manz B., Moges, S., Nikolopoulos, E. I., Sahlu, D., Salerno, F., Rodríguez-Sánchez, J.-P., Vergara, H. J., Yilmaz, K. K., 2016. Multi-regional Satellite Precipitation Products Evaluation over Complex Terrain. Journal of Hydrometeorology 17, 1817–1836. doi: 10.1175/JHM-D-15-0197.1
- 55. Almeida, S., Le Vine, N., McIntyre, N., Wagener, T., Buytaert, W., 2016. Accounting for dependencies in regionalized signatures for predictions in ungauged catchments. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20, 887-901
- 54. Manz, B., Buytaert, W., Zulkafli, Z., Lavado, W., Willems, B., Robles, L. A., Rodríguez-Sánchez J.-P., 2016. High-resolution Satellite-Gauge Merged Precipitation Climatologies of the Tropical Andes. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres 121, 1190–1207. Data can be downloaded on our data page.
- 53. Blair, P. Buytaert, W., 2016. Socio-hydrological Modelling: A Review Asking ‘Why, What and How?’. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20, 443-478, doi:10.5194/hess-20-443-2016.
- 52. Zulkafli, Z., Buytaert, W., Manz, B., Véliz Rosas, C., Willems, P., Lavado-Casimiro, W., Guyot, J.-L., Santini, W., 2016. Projected increases in the annual flood pulse of the western Amazon. Environmental Research Letters, 11, 1.
- 51. Buytaert, W., Dewulf, A., De Bièvre, B., Clark, J., Hannah, D. M., 2016. Citizen science for water resources management: toward polycentric monitoring and governance? Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000641, 01816002
- 50. Karpouzoglou, K., Zulkafli, Z., Grainger, S., Dewulf, D., Buytaert., W., Hannah, D. M., 2015. Environmental Virtual Observatories (EVOs): Prospects for knowledge co-creation and resilience in the Information Age. Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 18, 40-48
- 49. Moulds, S., Buytaert, W., Mijic, A., 2015. An open and extensible framework for spatially explicit land use change modelling: the lulcc R package. Geoscientific Model Development 8, 3215-3229
- 48. Nerini, D., Zulkafli, Z., Wang, L.-P, Onof, C., Buytaert, W., Lavado, W., Guyot, J.L., 2015. A comparative analysis of TRMM-rain gauge data merging techniques at the daily time scale for distributed rainfall-runoff applications. Journal of Hydrometeorology 16, 2153-2168
- 47. Vitolo, C., Elkhatib, Y., Reusser. D., Macleod C.J.A., Buytaert, W., 2015. Web Technologies for Environmental Big Data. Environmental Modelling & Software 63, 185–198
- 46. Tsarouchi, G.M., Buytaert, W., Mijic, A., 2014. Coupling a Land Surface Model with a Crop Growth Model to improve ET flux estimations in the Upper Ganges basin, India. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18, 4223-4238, 2014.
- 45. Buytaert, W., Zulkafli, Z., Grainger, S., Acosta, L., Alemie, T.C., Bastiaensen, J., De Bièvre, B., Bhusal, J., Clark, J. Dewulf, A., Foggin, M., Hannah, D. M., Hergarten, C., Isaeva, A., Karpouzoglou, T., Pandeya, B., Paudel, D., Sharma, K., Steenhuis, T. S. Tilahun, S., Van Hecken, G., Zhumanova, M., 2014. Citizen science in hydrology and water resources: opportunities for knowledge generation, ecosystem service management, and sustainable development. Frontiers in Earth Science 2:26.
- 44. Exbrayat J.F., Buytaert W., Timbe E., Windhorst D., Breuer L., 2014. Addressing sources of uncertainty in runoff projections for a data scarce catchment in the Ecuadorian Andes. Climatic Change 125, 221-235. DOI:10.1007/s10584-014-1160-x
- 43. Holländer H.M., Bormann H., Blume T., Buytaert W., Chirico G.B., Exbrayat J.-F., Gustafsson D., Hölzel H., Krauße T., Kraft P., Stoll S., Blöschl, G., Flühler H., 2014. Impact of modellers’ decisions on hydrological a priori predictions. Hydrology and Earth System Science 18, 2065-2085.
- 42. Tsarouchi G, Mijic A, Moulds S, Buytaert W, 2014. Historical and future land cover changes in the Upper Ganges basin of India. International Journal of Remote Sensing 5:9, 3150-3176
- 41. Zulkafli Z, Buytaert W, Onof C, Manz B, Tarnavsky E, Lavado W, Guyot J-L, 2014. A comparative performance analysis of TRMM 3B42 (TMPA) versions 6 and 7 for hydrological applications over Andean-Amazon river basins. Journal of Hydrometeorology 15, 581–592.
- 40. McIntyre, N., Ballard, C., Bruen, M., Bulygina, N., Buytaert, W., Cluckie, I., Dunn, S., Ehret, U., Ewen, J., Gelfan, A., Hess, T., Hughes, D., Jackson, B., Kjeldsen, T., Merz, R., Park, J-S., O'Connell, E., O'Donnell, G., Oudin, L., Todini, E., Wagener, T., Wheater, H., 2014. Modelling the hydrological impacts of rural land use change. Hydrology Research 45, 737-754.
- 39. Almeida S, Bulygina N, McIntyre N, Wagener T, Buytaert W, 2013. Improving parameter priors for data-scarce estimation problems, Water Resources Research 49, 6090–6095
- 38. Buytaert, W., Breuer, L., 2013. Water resources in South America: sources and supply, pollutants and perspectives. In: Understanding Freshwater Quality Problems in a Changing World. IAHS publications 359.
- 37. Tovar, C., Arnillas, C.A., Cuesta, F., Buytaert, W., 2013. Diverging responses of Tropical Andean biomes under future climate conditions. PLoS ONE, 8, e63634.
- 36. Zulkafli, Z., Buytaert, W., Onof, C., Lavado, W., Guyot, J. L., 2013. A critical assessment of the JULES land surface model hydrology for humid tropical environments. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences , 17, 1113-1132.
- 35. Buytaert W, De Bièvre B, 2012. Water for cities: the impact of climate change and demographic growth in the tropical Andes. Water Resources Research, 48, W08503. (pdf)
- 34. Kargel., J.S., Alho, P., Buytaert, W., Celleri, R., Cogley, J.G., Dussaillant, A., Zambrano, G., Haeberli, Wl. Harrison, S., Leonard, G., Maxwell, A., Meier, C., Poveda, G., Reid, B., Reynolds, J., Portocarrero Rodriguez, C., Romero, H., Schneider, J., 2012. Glaciers in Patagonia: Controversy and Prospects. Eos Trans. AGU, 93, 212.
- 33. Dussaillant, A., Buytaert W., Maturana, O., Arias, M., Meier, C., Espinoza, F. 2012. Extreme gradient, data sparse basins and challenges for prediction and management: Baker basin in Chilean Patagonia. Hydrological Sciences Journal 57, 1530-1542.
- 32. Buytaert, W., Friesen, J., Liebe, J., Ludwig, R., 2012. Assessment and management of water resources in developing, semi-arid and arid regions. Water Resources Management 26, 841 - 844.
- 31. Buytaert, W., Baez, S., Bustamante, M., Dewulf, A., 2012. Web-based environmental simulation: bridging the gap between scientific modelling and decision-making. Environmental Science and Technology 46, 1971-1976.
- 30. Beven, K., Buytaert, W., Smith, L., 2012. On virtual observatories and modelled realities (or why discharge must be treated as a virtual variable). Hydrological Processes, 26, 1905-1908.
2011 and earlier
- 29. Crespo, P., Feyen, J., Buytaert, W., Bücker, A., Breuer, L., Frede, H.-G., Ramírez, M., 2011. Identifying controls of the rainfall-runoff response of small catchments in the tropical Andes (Ecuador). Journal of Hydrology 407, 164-174.
- 28. Ward, E., Buytaert, W., Peaver, L., Wheater, H., 2011. Evaluation of precipitation products over complex mountainous terrain: a water resources perspective. Advances in Water Resources. 34, 1222-1231.
- 27. Reusser, D., Buytaert, W., Zehe, E. 2011. Temporal dynamics of model parameter sensitivity for computationally expensive models with FAST (Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test). Water Resources Research 47, W07551.
- 26. Buytaert, W., Beven, K., 2011. Models as multiple working hypotheses: Hydrological simulation of tropical alpine wetlands. Hydrological Processes 25, 1784 - 1799
- 25. Viviroli, D., Archer, D. R., Buytaert, W., Fowler, H. J., Greenwood, G. B., Hamlet, A. F., Huang, Y., Koboltschnig, G., Litaor, M. I., López-Moreno, H. I., Lorentz, S., Schädler, B., Schwaiger, K., Vuille, M., and Woods, R., 2011. Climate change and mountain water resources: overview and recommendations for research, management and policy. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 15, 471-504.
- 24. Buytaert, W., Cuesta-Camacho, F., Tobon, C., 2011. Potential impacts of climate change on the environmental services of humid tropical alpine regions. Global Ecology and Biogeography 20, 19-33. (Full paper).
- 23. Dussaillant, A., Benito, G., Buytaert, W., Carling, P., Meier, C., Espinoza, F., 2010. Repeated Glacial-Lake Outburst Floods in Patagonia: An Increasing Hazard? Natural Hazards 54, 469-481. DOI 10.1007/s11069-009-9479-8
- 22. Buytaert, W., Vuille, M., Dewulf, A., Urrutia, R., Karmalkar, A., Célleri, R., 2010. Uncertainties in climate change projections and regional downscaling: implications for water resources management. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 1247-1258, 2010. (Open access).
- 21. Crespo, P., Célleri, R., Buytaert, W., Feyen, J., Iñiguez, V., Borja, P., de Bièvre, B., 2010. Land use change impacts on the hydrology of wet Andean páramo eocystems. In: Status and Perspectives of Hydrology in Small Basins. IAHS Publ. 336.
- 20. Célleri R., Buytaert W., De Bièvre B., Tobón C., Crespo P., Molina J., Feyen J., 2010. Understanding the hydrology of tropical Andean ecosystems through an Andean Network of Basins. In: Status and Perspectives of Hydrology in Small Basins. IAHS Publ. 336.
- 19. Holländer, H. M., Blume, T., Bormann, H., Buytaert, W., Chirico, G.B., Exbrayat, J.-F., Gustafsson, D., Hölzel, H., Kraft, P., Stamm, C., Stoll, S., Blöschl, G., Flühler, H., 2009. Comparative predictions of discharge from an artificial catchment (Chicken Creek) using sparse data. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 2069-2094.
- 18. Neal, J., Schumann, G., Bates, P., Buytaert, W., Matgen, P., Pappenberger F., 2009. A data assimilation approach to discharge estimation from space. Hydrological Processes 23, 3641 - 3649
- 17. Buytaert, W., Beven, B., 2009. Regionalisation as a learning process. Water Resources Research 45, W11419.
- 16. Buytaert, W., Celleri, R., Timbe, L., 2009. Predicting climate change impacts on water resources in the tropical Andes: the effects of GCM uncertainty. Geophysical Research Letters 36, L07406.
- 15. Buytaert, W., Reusser, D., Krause, S., Renaud, J-P, 2008. Why can't we do better than Topmodel? Hydrological Processes 22, 4175 - 4179
- 14. Buytaert, W., De Bièvre, B., Celleri, R., Cisneros, F., Wyseure, G., Deckers, J., 2008. Comment on Human impacts on headwater fluvial systems in the northern and central Andes. Geomorphology 96, 239-242.
- 13. Buytaert W., Iñiguez, V., De Bièvre B., 2007. The effects of Pinus patula forestation on water yield in the Andean páramo. Forest Ecology and Management 251, 22 - 30
- 12. Buytaert, W., Célleri, R., De Bièvre, B., Iñiguez, V., 2007. The impact of pine plantations on water yield: A case study from the Ecuadorian Andes. IAHS publications 317, 225-228.
- 11. Célleri, R., Willems, P., Buytaert, W., Feyen, J., 2007. Space-time rainfall variability in the Paute Basin, Ecuadorian Andes. Hydrological Processes 21, 3316 - 3327
- 10. Buytaert, W., Celleri, R., De Bièvre, B., Hofstede, R., Cisneros, F., Wyseure, G., Deckers, J., 2006. Human impact on the hydrology of the Andean páramos. Earth Science Reviews 79, 53-72.
- 9. Buytaert, W., Deckers, J., Wyseure, G. 2006. Regional variability of volcanic ash soils in south Ecuador: the relation with parent material, climate and land use. Catena 70, 143-154.
- 8. Geerts, S., Garcia M., Del Castillo, C., Buytaert, W., 2006. Agro-climatic suitability mapping for crop production in the Bolivian Altiplano: a case study for quinoa. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 139, 399-412.
- 7. Buytaert, W., Celleri, R., Willems, P., De Bièvre, B., Wyseure, G., 2006. Spatial and temporal rainfall variability in mountainous areas: A case study from the south Ecuadorian Andes. Journal of Hydrology 329, 413-421. (pdf)
- 6. Nyssen, J., Nigussie Haregeweyn, Descheemaeker, K., Gebremichael, D., Vancampenhout, K., Poesen, J., Mitiku Haile, Moeyersons, J., Buytaert, W., Naudts, J., Deckers, J., Govers, G., 2006. Modelling the effect of soil and water conservation practices in Tigray, Ethiopia - discussion. Agriculture, Environment and Ecosystems 114, 407-411.
- 5. Buytaert, W., Deckers, J., Wyseure, G., 2006. Description and classification of highly weathered Andosols in the south Ecuadorian paramo. Geomorphology 73, 207-221
- 4. Buytaert, W., De Bièvre, B., Wyseure, G., Deckers, J., 2005. The effect of land use changes on the hydrological behaviour o Histic Andosols in south Ecuador. Hydrological Processes 19: 3985 - 3997.
- 3. Buytaert, W., Sevink, J., De Leeuw, B., Deckers, J., 2005. Clay mineralogy of the soils in the south Ecuadorian páramo region. Geoderma, 127: 114-129.
- 2. Buytaert, W., De Bièvre, B., Wyseure, G., Deckers, J., 2004. The use of the linear reservoir concept to quantify the impact of land use changes on the hydrology of catchments in the Ecuadorian Andes. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 8: 108-114.
- 1. Buytaert, W., Deckers, J., Dercon, G., De Bièvre, B., Poesen, J., Govers, G., 2002. The influence of land use changes on the hydrological properties of volcanic ash soils in South Ecuador. Soil Use and Management 18: 94-100.
Book chapters:
- Paul, J.D., Buytaert, W., 2019. Citizen Science and Low-Cost Sensors for Integrated Water Resources Management. In: : Friesen, J., Rodríguez-Sinobas L. (Eds.). Advances in Chemical Pollution, Environmental Management and Protection Volume 3. In press.
- Buytaert, W., Ochoa-Tocachi, B.F., Hannah, D.M., Clark, J., Dewulf, A., 2018. Co-generating knowledge on ecosystem services and the role of new technologies. In: Kate Schreckenberg, K., Mace, G., Poudyal, M., (Eds). Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation: Trade-Offs and Governance. Routledge. 326pp.
- Ochoa-Tocachi, B.F., Buytaert, W., De Bièvre, B., 2018. Participatory Monitoring of the Impact of Watershed Interventions in the Tropical Andes. In: Rivera, D., Godoy-Faundez, A., Saavedra, M.L., (Eds). Andean Hydrology. CRC Press. 256p.
- Buytaert, W., Mishra, A., Demuth, S., Jimenez Cisneros, B., Stewart, B., Cudennec, C., Caponi, C., 2016. Climate change and extreme events. In: The United Nations World Water Development Report 2016. Water and Jobs. UNESCO, Paris.
- Buytaert, W., Jimenez Cisneros, B., Mishra, A., Demuth, S., 2016. Opportunities for Resource Diversification. In: The United Nations World Water Development Report 2016. Water and Jobs. UNESCO, Paris.
- Wehn, U., Buytaert, W., Mishra, A., Demuth, S., Jiménez Cisneros, B., Alfonso, L., Stewart, B., Cudennec, C., Caponi, C., 2016. Scientific and technological innovations. In: The United Nations World Water Development Report 2016. Water and Jobs. UNESCO, Paris.
- Buytaert, W., Mishra, A., Demuth, S., Jiménez Cisneros, B., Stewart, B., Capini, C., 2015. Adapting to climate variability and change. In: The United Nations World Water Development Report 2015. Water for a sustainable World. UNESCO, Paris.
- Breuer, L., Jean-François Exbrayat, Ina Plesca, Wouter Buytaert, Theresa Ehmann, Thorsten Peters, Edison Timbe, Katja Trachte, David Windhorst, 2013. Global Climate Change Impacts on Local Climate and Hydrology. In: J. Bendix, E. Beck, A. Bräuning, F. Makeschin, R. Mosandl, S. Scheu, and W. Wilcke (Eds). Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity and Environmental Change in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of South Ecuador. Springer.
- Buytaert, W., J. Ramírez-Villegas. 2012. Generación de escenarios desagregados del cambio climático para los Andes Tropicales. Pp. 37-57. In: Cuesta, F., Bustamante, M., Becerra, M.T., Postigo, J., Peralvo, J. (Eds.). Panorama Andino de cambio climático: Vulnerabilidad y adaptación en los Andes Tropicales. CONDESAN, SGCAN, Lima (in Spanish).
- De Bièvre, B., M. Bustamante, W. Buytaert, F. Murtinho, M.T. Armijos. 2012. Síntesis de los impactos de los efectos del cambio climático en los recursos hídricos en los Andes Tropicales y las estrategias de adaptación desarrolladas por los pobladores. Pp. 37-57. In: Cuesta, F., Bustamante, M., Becerra, M.T., Postigo, J., Peralvo, J. (Eds.). Panorama andino de cambio climático: Vulnerabilidad y adaptación en los Andes Tropicales. CONDESAN, SGCAN, Lima (In Spanish).
- Cuesta, F., S. Baez, J. Ramirez, C. Tovar, C. Devenish, W. Buytaert, A. Jarvis. 2012. Síntesis de los impactos y estado del conocimiento de los efectos del cambio climático en la biodiversidad de los Andes Tropicales. Pp. 103-139. In: Cuesta, F., Bustamante, M., Becerra, M.T., Postigo, J., Peralvo, J. (Eds.). Panorama andino de cambio climático: Vulnerabilidad y adaptación en los Andes Tropicales. CONDESAN, SGCAN, Lima (In Spanish).
- B. De Bièvre, V. Iñiguez, W. Buytaert, 2012. Hidrología del páramo. Importancia, propiedades y vulnerabilidad. In: Mena Vásconez, P., Castillo, A., Flores, S., Hofstede, R., Josse, C., Lasso B., S., Medina, G., Ochoa, N., Ortiz, D. (Eds.), Páramo. Paisaje estudiado, habitado, manejado e institucionalisado. Ecociencia/Abya Yala, 2012.
- Buytaert, W., Iñiguez, V., Celleri, R., De Bièvre, B., Wyseure, G., Deckers, J., 2006. Analysis of the water balance of small páramo catchments in south Ecuador. In: J. Krecek and M. Haigh (eds.), Environmental Role of Wetlands in Headwaters, Springer. pp. 271 - 281.
- B. De Bièvre, V. Iñiguez, W. Buytaert. Hidrología del páramo. Importancia, propiedades y vulnerabilidad. In: Proyecto páramo (ed.). Investigaciones biofísicas en el páramo. GTP/Abya Yala, 2006.
- Dercon G., Buytaert, W., Molina, A., Sanchez, H., Loaiza, G., Deckers, J., 2000. Efectos del uso sobre las características hidrofísicas de los suelos del páramo en el Austro Ecuatoriano. In: Proyecto páramo (ed.). Suelos del páramo: pp.37-38
Outreach publications
- Carey, M., Garrard, R., Cecale, C., Buytaert, W., Huggel, C., Vuille, C., 2016. Climbing for Science and Ice: From Hanz Kinzl and Mountaineering-Glaciology to Citizen Science in the Cordillera Blanca. Revista de Glaciares y Ecosistemas de Montaña 1, 59 - 72.
- Bormann, H., Holländer, H.M., Blume, T., Buytaert, W., Chirico, G.B., Exbrayat, J.-F., Gustafsson, D., Hölzel H., Kraft, P., Krauße, T., Nazemi, A., Stamm, C., Stoll, S., Blöschl, G., Flühler, H., 2012. Comparative discharge prediction from a small artificial catchment without model calibration: Representation of initial hydrological catchment development. Die Bodenkultur 62, 23 - 29.
- Helge Bormann, Hartmut M. Holländer, Theresa Blume, Wouter Buytaert, Giovanni B. Chirico, Jean-Francois Exbrayat, David Gustafsson, Herwig Hölzel, Philipp Kraft, Thomas Krauße, Ali Nazemi, Christian Stam, Sebastian Stoll, Günter Blöschl and Hannes Flühler, 2011. Modellkonzept vs. Modellierer – wer oder was ist wichtiger? Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft 4, 487 - 491.
- Buytaert, W., Vuille, M., Dewulf, A., 2011. Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources in the Tropical Andes. Newsletter of the Mountain Research Initiative MRI NEWS no. 6, 11 - 13.
- Buytaert W., Tovar, C., De Bièvre, B., 2010. Análisis de los potenciales impactos del cambio climático sobre el balance hídrico de los Andes tropicales. CONDESAN, Lima.
- Buytaert, W., R. Celleri, B. De Bièvre, F. Cisneros, R. Hofstede, 2009. Impacto humano en la hidrología de los páramos Andinos. Serie Gestión de Cuencas Hidrográficas y Población. Pydlos Ediciones, Cuenca. Ecuador.
- B. De Bièvre, V. Iñiguez, W. Buytaert. Hidrología del páramo. Importancia, propiedades y vulnerabilidad.Versión como salió en el libro Investigaciones biofísicas en el páramo. GTP/Abya Yala, 2006.
- Buytaert, W., 2006. The impact of global change on the páramo ecosystem and water supply (in Spanish). Journal of the Union of Construction Engineers of Cuenca, Ecuador.
- Buytaert, W., 2006. Open Source Software (in Spanish). Journal of the Union of Construction Engineers of Cuenca, Ecuador.
- Buytaert, W., 2004. The properties of the soils of the south Ecuadorian páramo and the impact of land use changes on their hydrology. PhD Thesis. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
- Cisneros, F., Celleri, R., Buytaert, W., De Bièvre, B., 2004, Evaluation and review of best practices for water management in the Andean páramos (in Spanish), Proyecto Páramo Andino, Quito, Ecuador.
- Buytaert, W., Wyseure, G., Deckers, J., 2003. The advantages of the use of open source software in geosciences. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences 68: 35-38.
- Buytaert, W., R. Celleri, B. De Bièvre, J. Deckers and G. Wyseure, Modelización del comportamiento hidrológico de microcuencas de páramo en el sur del Ecuador usando Topmodel. III Congreso Latinoamericano de manejo de cuencas hidrograficas, 8-13 Junio 2003, Arequipa, Peru.